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What People Say                                                                          

This 3-day non-residential singing course was a joyous adventure from start to finish. With a
wealth of musical experience behind them, their personal warmth and enthusiasm and the
brilliant facilities they've set up at La Ville, Moira and Chris gave us everything we could
have wished for and more.

We were a mixed group of 17 people, both English and French speakers, who had sung at
least a little in choirs. Under Moira's direction and with Chris's piano accompaniment, and
working in the ideal space of their specially converted barn we achieved more in the 3 days
than I could have imagined

And we were nourished through this by Moira's sublime home cooking during the breaks
between sessions spent sitting in the shade on the poolside terrace. Pampered or what?

We learned 5 new songs in a variety of musical styles well enough to put on a creditable
performance to round off the course. We were taught various aspects of voice training and
musicianship, practicing techniques to improve our singing. We were listened to, encouraged
and helped throughout the course and no-one was left out.

We all left invigorated and enriched by what we had learned and achieved, and with useful
tools for our future singing. This course was amazing value for money and I cannot
recommend it too highly.

Helen Gough July 2017


The three day Choral Workshop run by Moira and Chris was as good as a holiday. They have
a beautiful home, garden and pool which we all enjoyed. But make no mistake……these two
are first rate musicians and we worked hard! They have such a relaxed attitude to singing that
even the most timid of us just thought that we were having fun. However, by the last
afternoon we were ready to give a performance: such was the progress we had made.

I look forward to the next work shop.


Rosemary Latham July 2017


Aimer écouter de la musique (vocale ou instrumentale), prendre plaisir à chanter plusieurs,
même si l’oreille n’est pas ‘absolute’ mais le ton juste: cela suffit il pour participer un ‘stage
de chant’? même si, comme moi, on est grande culture musicale, sans capacité instrumentale,
sans experience approfondie du solfège, sans savoir déchiffrer une participation, si ce n’est en
connaître les rudiments appris le ‘tas’…..

Eh bien, oui! si on a affaire Moira et Chris qui nous ont accueilli trois jours chez eux avec
une extrême gentillesse et une grande bienveillance basées sur une pédagogie ‘douce’ faite de
patience et d’emapthie que la soi-disante ‘barrière’ de la langue n’a pas entamé……!

Trois jours formidables où un travail intensif mais très équilibré par des pauses bien
aménagées, ont débouché sur un ‘mini concert’ dont, tous, nous avons été fiers.
Merci nos hôtes qui je souhaite de continuer accuellir des ‘élèves’ aussi enthousiastes et

Sophie, Juillet 2017

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If you have any questions or would like to book a place on one of our courses fill in the form below and we will get right back to you. Alternatively call us on  0033 (0) 9 75 90 36 34

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La Ville
Tarn- et- Garonne

Tel: 0033 (0) 9 75 90 36 34

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